
Click here to jump to the downloadable English translations on this page

Click here to jump to all downloadable translations on this page

In the section "All language versions" on this page you will find an overview of the available language versions of the CHEXI, ADEXI, and TEXI. Free download links are provided there as well.

The childhood version of the questionnaire – the CHEXI – is  appropriate to use for parents, teachers, or any other person who knows the child well.

The adult and teenage versions of the questionnaire – the ADEXI and TEXI – are available both as self-report version and other-report version. In case of the ADEXI the other version is to be used for relatives, partners, or friends. The other-version of the TEXI is to be used as parent and teacher report.

Normative Data

Please note that normative data are unfortunately not yet available for any of the questionnaires. This means that at the moment, these instruments are most useful as research tools as it is not possible to determine exact cut-offs for different ages without normative data. Normative data for the CHEXI and the ADEXI (but not for the TEXI) are currently being collected, but it has been very difficult to get funding for this project. At the moment, it is therefore not possible to say when norms will be published. As soon as norms are available, they will be published on this website.

Until norms are available, the only indication of where to draw cut-offs is to use the means and standard deviations that are presented in the studies that have used the instruments. These papers can be downloaded from this website under the heading "Research". Some examples of means and standard deviations are also presented under the heading "Subscales" for users who are not so familiar with reading scientific papers.

For the English version of the CHEXI and the ADEXI, colour-coded versions are available to help with the coding of the items into the two subscales of working memory and inhibition. Please also refer to the page called "Subscales" on this webpage for further information about the scoring for all three instruments.

Please contact Lisa Thorell ( if you wish to use the CHEXI, ADEXI, or TEXI and the questionnaire is unavailable in your language. You do not need the permission of the authors to use the different language versions already available on this website. However, we are very interested in any research using the instruments we have developed. We, therefore, ask you to send us papers using the instruments ( This also includes articles published in languages besides English (if so, we would much appreciate it if you could also provide us with an English abstract of your study).

If you find any errors in the translations, please contact Lisa Thorell ( as soon as possible so that the error can be corrected. As we experienced large problems when letting a professional translation agency conduct the translation, the translations that are now available have been made by clinicians or researchers who have expressed interest in using the CHEXI, ADEXI, or TEXI in their work. Most translations have also been double-checked by at least one more person to ensure accuracy. However, as the creators of the questionnaire do not speak all languages to which translations have been done, it is impossible for us to guarantee that all translations are 100% correct.

English version

All language versions of the instruments are below this section.

The English translation is available for all instrument versions, namely:

  • CHEXI parent/teacher report
  • TEXI self-report
  • TEXI parent/teacher report
  • ADEXI self-report
  • ADEXI other-report

Please click the buttons below to download the questionnaire.

Moreover, there are colour-coded versions of the CHEXI self-report and ADEXI self- and other-report indicating the subscales. 

Blank templates for translations can be found at the bottom of this page. 

All language versions 

in alphabetic order

Please click on the "available"-button in the relevant table field to download the questionnaire

See a colour-coded subscale version of the English CHEXI and ADEXI here

Blank templates 

If you want to translate the questionnaires into a language which is not yet available, you are welcome to use the blank templates for the questionnaires.

You can download the templates by clicking the buttons down below.
